Key points to get the most out of the course
Some points that might be useful to get the most out of the course.
- The goal of this course is to do Exercise-Laughter Sessions In Water (ELSIW for short). At the end, if you have done at least 6 ELSIW, the course will have fullfilled its purpose.
- This course is a shortcut to one single outcome: doing ELSIW. It is not intended to deliver intellectual knowledge, just the knowledge required to do the sessions. You can skip any part that you feel is not needed. As soon as you get a useful insight, stop reading/watching until you can go to the pool and practice, then come back for more!
- The idea is to be in the body vs. in the brain, doing vs knowing. Paraphrasing a famous marketing slogan “A stupid that is swimming (and laughing) goes infinitely further than a group of intellectuals who are seated at the bar of the beach”.
- The course is about building your skills, not about intellectual tricks. It means you learn and get better with good practice and repetition.
- Each module encourages you to do a practice ELSIW, adding new skills.